Thursday 25 August 2011

Website layout (template)

We have came out with our final template ( website layout ). This is the template that we going to use for our entire website.
website layout
As we mentioned before, we will add some interaction on our website by putting rollover buttons. Here are the effects of rollover buttons.



Tuesday 16 August 2011

Work in Progress (PART 2)

We are now at the half way of completing the final assignment. In between, we decide to apply flash in designing our website. We plan to add video, animation and interactive to our web pages.

The flash will be used in:
 1. Creating a flash movie that plays animation formed by several images of scenes in Bukit Bendera.
2. Creating an interactive navigation by making flash buttons.
3.  Adding the movie and buttons into the web pages.

Milestones: Carry out and add flash into web pages to make the websites more interactive to the audience.


Sunday 7 August 2011

Work in Progress ( PART 1)

As approaching to the final work, each member are required to carry out the progress for their own parts. Here are the job tasks that should be completed in the progress:
1.Find all the information needed for the content in each web pages.
2. Edit all the images used in the websites.
3. Start doing the websites in html. by using Dreamweaver.
4. Input all the contents and images done into the webpages.

Milestone: completed webpages with full content and images