Wang Guo Rui - attraction

1. Description on the individual ideation of the link

 My link is talking about the attraction of Bukit Bendera. There are so many attractions in Bukit Bendera, so i will use photos to bring out the attractive place and things at Bukit Bendera. Besides that, i will put some explanation on photos.

2.Objective of the link

 The objective of this link is let users to know more nice place to be explore at Bukit Bendera. Many of travelers do not know what's the interesting point to visit the vacation, so we will let them why Bukit Bendera is worth to be go as vacation. People will enjoy the cold weather at Bukit Bendera as Genting Highland and Cameron Highland have.

3. Design of GUI 

 The way that i use to let user to explore is by using flipping the photos. Users can easy to see more photos with explanations.


4. Flow Chart

 5. Use of tools in Photoshop, Dreamweaver and Flash

 Final Photo.

All original photos. 

6. References