Soo Chiu Ying - Introduction

1. Description of link
Since I am doing the introduction, this link will introduce the Bukit Bendera, Penang to the audiences by describing its background (history).

2. Objective of the link

  • To introduce Bukit Bendera to the audiences and give out important information.
  • To learn about the importance of Bukit Bendera as a landmark in Penang state.
  • To impress the audience by having the first look at the websites and attract the visits to Bukit Bendera. 

3. GUI Design
Since our group is more focusing a simple design in our website layout, I will make my GUI design in a simple form as well. Nevertheless, I will add some interactive into the GUI design.The interactive can be created by adding some flash.

4. Flow Chart 
Since I am doing the introduction part , I will more focus on the background of Bukit Bendera and some advices to its visitors. I will create link for the introduction. The link will contain background of Bukit Bendera and some travel advices to its visitors.

  5. Use of tools

  • Photoshop-- to edit all the images.
The first image is the scene of Penang island from Bukit Bendera. I used history brush tool and halftone border in editing the image.

For the second image, I used 3 images which are different Penang Hill's trams during different period to show it's revolution overtime. I then combined them into 1 image by blending them together. The blending was done by adding layer mask and gradient tool.

Final image
 original pictures:

Using text tool and some blending options, I have created the buttons that used in the links.

  • Dreamweaver-- to create links and insert all my contents.
    To get a better alignment of all components in my website layout, I insert table when I put the images or flash into the page. Besides, in order to make rollover buttons, I have use "insert rollover image" (as shown in image below).

    For example,
    rollover image

    original image
    And finally, link all the buttons according to their respective links.
    •  Flash --making slide and interactive navigation. 
    In my introduction link, I have used flash in performing the background of Bukit Bendera. The flash can help me minimize the space used for inserting all the contents. I had put UIscrollbar to get a scroll text effects since the background paragraph is very long.
    the outcome
     For the slides in photo gallery links, I had applied some action script and convert some images to button symbol in order to obtain the effects which the pictures will be shown once I click the thumbnails.

    and lastly, we also add the animation we had done during our flash tutorial into photo gallery link. The animation is done by creating motion tween and adding motion guide to the respective movie clip symbol ( convert images or text into symbol ).

    6. References

    Here are some references that I have used:

    a) For the contents ( background of bukit bendera) ,
      b) For the flash ( flash slide in photo gallery link),
      c) For the design of rollover buttons,
      d) For the template design,
      e) For the flash ( introduction link- background),
      f) All the images used are obtained from google image.

      7.  Screen shot of final output

      a) Introduction
      Also known as Penang Hill, Bukit Bendera is the highest peak on Pulau Pinang. At 830m above sea level, it is one of the best places to catch a bird's eye view of the island's expanse, including the panorama of George Town, the Penang Bridge and the Straits of Melaka.

      The hilly and forested Penang Hill are founded by Sir Francis Light during his pack horse track back in the year 1788. However, it was during the 19th century that construction is carried out to build the hill into a place well accessible by local or even tourist alike which brings about the funicular railway construction at the cost of about $1.5 million.

      Access to the hill is most enjoyable by the Penang Hill Railway, a two section funicular railway which climbs Penang Hill from Air Itam. The railway was opened to the public on October 21, 1923 and the total journey takes about half an hour, with passengers changing cars at the mid-point station. The train may also stop at other intermediate stations upon request or the alighting of residents living around the hill.

      Alternatively, there is a 5.1 km (3.17 mile) tarred road popularly known as the "jeep track". It is open only to the vehicles of hill residents. The "jeep track" is also a popular hiking route. It begins at the quarry of the entrance of Penang Botanic gardens and it takes a two or three hour leisure hike to reach the top.

      The cooling and serenity of the hill especially when you are at the peak will provide a much needed calm and relaxation from the hot and bustling stress by the city of George Town. With the temperature ranging from 20 to 25 degree Celsius, it is going to be a place to relax, remember and rejuvenate.

      b) Video clips
       c) Photo gallery